Thyroid Symptoms

Every person is unique; the same applies to the thyroid.  Each body breaks down and processes nutrients differently. Some people eat several plates of food and not gain a pound. Meanwhile, other patients live healthy lifestyles but struggle to lose weight. In other words, some people have an overactive or an underactive thyroid .

At Innate Life Chiropractic, our team is exceptional when it comes to understanding the thyroid and how it affects the body. Whether it is an ongoing condition that is getting worse (a “chronic” condition), or it appeared very suddenly (an “acute” condition), our Chiropractor in Palatine has solutions for you.


What’s the Difference?

Let’s start by first describing the differences between an overactive and an underactive thyroid.

An overactive thyroid is when the thyroid produces too much hormones. This can result in a rapid heartbeat and weight loss. Therefore, it is difficult to say if a patient is suffering from an overactive thyroid or not.

An underactive thyroid occurs when the thyroid produces little to no hormones.  This leads to health issues such as joint pain, weight gain and heart disease. It is difficult to say if a patient suffers from an underactive thyroid due to the lack of hormones. 


Symptoms of an Overactive/ Underactive Thyroid

While these two conditions can mimic other health issues, they have certain symptoms that differ from each other.

With an overactive thyroid…

The most common symptoms are weight loss and rapid heartbeat. Other symptoms include being sensitive to heat and having shaky hands. Experiencing diarrhea is also common. A patient’s personality and behavior can be affected as well. They may be nervous and have trouble sleeping. Being irritable is another possible change in their behavior.

With an underactive thyroid…

Common symptoms to look for are weight gain and a slower heart rate. Patients with an underactive thyroid are sensitive to cold and have stiffness or swelling in their joints. Suffering from constipation is also common. An underactive thyroid can affect a person’s personality and behavior, too. A patient may have difficulty concentrating and sleeping. In addition, they can be very anxious and experience mood swings.

What symptoms do they have in common?

Surprisingly, both conditions cause muscle weakness. Additionally, women suffering from either condition will experience changes in their menstrual patterns.


How the Thyroid  Affects Your Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Not only does it protect your organs and muscles, but it gives us clues about our health. Skin conditions – caused by the thyroid – help explain a person’s overall health (Lause et al., 2017, p. 300). These signs show us how the thyroid is behaving, and how patients can begin healing themselves.

An Overactive Thyroid & Your Skin

Overactive thyroids are often associated with conditions such as Graves’ disease. Patients with overactive thyroids experience flushing in the face and redness in certain areas. The skin can feel smooth and warm at the touch, as well.

Aside from the skin, a patient’s hair will thin, becoming finer and softer. Soft and shiny nails are also common.

An Underactive Thyroid & Your Skin

Underactive thyroids result from iodine deficiency and/or a chronic autoimmune disease. Regardless, patients with underactive thyroids will have dry skin; it may feel cold to the touch. Yellowing of the skin is common. In addition, the patient’s hair and nails become brittle and rough.

Other Health Concerns…

Aside from Graves’ disease, patients with overactive thyroids may suffer from Hashimoto’s disease. Experiencing eye problems is common, too. Patients with underactive thyroids may develop patches of lighter skin color or hives. In addition, little to no eyebrow hairs can occur.


Help for Thyroid Conditions at Innate Life Chiropractic 

At Innate Life Chiropractic in Palatine, our chiropractor will perform an examination, neurospinal scans, and evaluate your posture to determine the root cause of your thyroid condition. After analyzing the findings , Dr. Nathan will develop a care plan to help improve the health of your thyroid, spine, nervous system and quality of life expression.


Tonal Chiropractic Adjustments

This approach looks at the overall tone of your nervous system. Is your body stuck in a sympathetic overdrive of “Fight or Flight” or over-exhuasted from a parasympathetic hibernation? Tonal chiropractic allows your body to find the harmony between these two extremes, while also relieving abnormal tension on the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. This allows your brain and body to be more adaptable and resilient. Digestion and elimination are both normal functions of the body, however can be interfered with when the nervous system is running “fight or flight” all the time. Dr. Nathan uses a combination of MLSNetwork Spinal AnalysisBio-Geometric Integration, and MC2 to help your nervous system shift from stress to healing.


Zone Technique

Dr. Nathan will adjust the vertebrae in the affected area to increase your range of motion and take pressure off the spinal nerves. He will focus on the imbalanced zone(s) connected to your challenge and begin care from there.  Most common zones that will contribute or cause thyroid conditions are the glandular, digestive, and circulatory zones. 


Lifestyle Advice

With any injury, whether to the back, neck, or extremity, the last thing you want to do is exacerbate. The same idea applies to healing shoulders. Our advice is designed to help you perform everyday tasks and responsibilities safely. This may include suggestions to improve your diet, drinking plenty of water , and exercising. Dr. Nathan will prescribe home stretches and exercises based on your unique needs.


Getting Started

At Innate Life Chiropractic, we focus on healing the root cause of thyroid conditions and helping your body recover. Contact Our Palatine Chiropractor for Thyroid healing.

To get started with chiropractic care for your thyroid condition, choose our Palatine, IL chiropractor today. Innate Life Chiropractic is currently accepting new patients of all ages. Call our office today. When it comes to thyroid conditions, get help NOW!

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consult.

Lause, M., Kamboj, A., & Faith, E. (2017). Dermatologic manifestations of endocrine disorders. Translational Pediatrics, 6 (4), 300-312. Retrieved 9, September 2020 from

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